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  • Writer's pictureRuchi Mehra

Mind Fitness

In this blog, I will shine light on something, without which all of my previously discussed or any stunning style would faze out and that is...the inner shine- the peace of mind!

There are so many aspects to a soul pampering session. It was hard for me to choose one. Finally, I decided to pen down my thoughts on Self Care as I have myself recently realised its significance.

Self care is anything we do for our mental, physical or emotional health. It is so much more than indulging in your favorite book/movie, enjoying your comfort food, that cup of coffee, bubble baths, exotic pedicures & manicures, those rejuvenating nature walks. As per me, some strong inner convictions constitute a vital part of mental & emotional health.

For me, self care is being kind to thyself when tides are rough. When you readily accept that 'life is not always a bed of roses' and also continue to believe 'no winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn'. When you realise the importance of darkness for the stars to shine. During testing times, when you can keep faith 'under this pressure, under this weight, we are diamonds taking place'.

When you celebrate your small steps as much as your grand victories. When you practice pause without worrying for the race, when you can slow down to relish small pleasures of life or allowing yourself to rest in order to refill your energy reserves. Self care is when you learn to follow and take pride in your own rhythm. And you let the world go on with no ounce of regret, as your only competitor and the one you thrive to improve yourself with is your old self and no body else.

When you take failures in your stride and make them part of your journey rather than faking a win. When you don't loath yourself with guilt. When after a fall, you rise again like a flame. Self care involves accepting your limitations and constraints and then moving on! When you carry your own sunshine!

When you understand that it's just being human to need and ask around for help. But you are also thankful for the times you didn't get help for these times helped you discover that strength within, you were never aware of. And no matter how painful it gets, you are now wiser, knowing whom all you can rely on.

Constant doses of such positivity is very very pertinent for the emotional and psychological well being.

So, be easy on yourself, have goals, work on them, chase your wildest dreams, but don't get into mad race, just follow your pace, follow your passion. Stand Out in the crowd!

Self care is when you not only embrace your flaws and imperfections but you also start rejoicing and loving yourself for who you are. Give yourself unconditional love. If you will not love and respect yourself, who else will! It all starts from within. Just remember, You Are Enough, as you are! Do not adjust yourself, don't be more or less for anybody else...

Until next time, keep love, faith and peace...


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