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  • Writer's pictureRuchi Mehra

Shine your light

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

Do not dim your light just because it's shining bright in someone's eyes. Do not trim your wings because they don't fit in the frame made by others. You have worked hard to reach where you are today and it's your moment of glory. Open your wings wide and continue to dazzle the world.

Not everyone would be able to stand your shine. Success brings with it jealousy, bitterness, hatred, is so real and a hard truth. Your own people would do it, the ones you wanted to share your joys with, would do it. You have taken just one step and they are already waiting for your downfall. It takes a lot of courage and positivity to be honest with yourself and coming to terms with these bitter truths. Part of life, part of success! Face it, accept it and march on- onwards and upwards...

And hold no grudges, I'd say! For they might be fighting their own battles, their own demons and insecurities. So, keep your standards high, wish them well en route and continue your journey, cross new boundaries every day, keep upgrading yourself, smash your goals and outshine yourself. Invest all your energy on self-introspection and improvising yourself. You never know whom all you inspire, might include even those who pretend to ignore you.

And you know what's the most beautiful thing about this journey called life, about being your true self, about your rightly-earned and well-deserved success... that you will still have people around you, just a handful of them but, they will appear from nowhere right when you'll need them, they will be genuinely and heartily happy for you, they will take pride in your achievements and will cheer you up. They will be your angels! So, do not settle for less, for anything shallow, till you find these people, till you find your tribe...and all this while, believe in yourself, learn to enjoy your own company, do not be with someone because you fear being alone.

Love yourself so much that you know right away and have the courage to leave the table when you are not being served what you deserve. Keep your stand!! Keep going higher!! Do not fear the fall! That's the nature's law, each one of us has to go through the different phases just like the moon. Falling (I'd rather call it slowing down) is natural, a part of growth process and so much worth than keep standing still at one place.

Do not fear losing someone, the ones- those who align with the real you would anyways stay. Be proud of showing your authentic self around even if with flaws. No matter you are standing alone, stand tall & proud. Walk away from anything that gives bad vibes. Let go of everything which makes you uncomfortable, make space for better, brighter things that the Universe wants to offer you.

Every negative experience can either break you or make you stronger...choose wisely!! Don't lose your charm, don't lose your spark. Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out in the crowd. Encourage others to see their own light and shine bright with you. Stay special in little ways, stay positive, stay the course.

Stay awesome...unapologetically!


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